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Life is short and there is not much you can do about it but you can make it as wide as you want.

mardi 22 septembre 2009

1er Fevrier, 2007

Nous sommes a la marina de Emerald Bay a environ 8 mi a l'Ouest de George Town. Nous profitons d'une offre speciale de la marina a seulement $30.00 par jour. Cela nous donne aussi acces a tout le complexe de vacance. Casino, piscines, plages, salle d'entrainement etc. Les clients du Four Season paient $300.00 par jour.
Nous passerons une semaine de vacance ici avant de retourner dans les isles Exuma pour une couple de semaines. Nous attendons notre nouvelle couverture d'assurance qui devrait etre disponible vers la fin Fevrier et nous partiron ensuite pour les Caraibes.


We are at Emerald Bay which is about 8 mi West of George Town. We are taking advantage of a deal from the marina which is only $30.00 per day and give us acces to the whole holliday resort. There is a Casino, swimming pools, beaches, fitness center etc. The Four Season hotel guests pay $300.00 per day for the same thing.
We will spend a week here before returning to the Exuma Islands for a couple of weeks. We are waiting for our new Insurance policy coverage, which should be available at the of February , and we will then leave for the Caribeans.