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Life is short and there is not much you can do about it but you can make it as wide as you want.

mardi 22 septembre 2009

Novembre 25, 2006 - Amelia River, Fernandina Beach, FLA

Longue journée car nous avons décidé de passer Ferdinanda Beach pour nous ancrer dans la Rivière Amélia à quelques miles de Ferdinanda Beach. Ancrage médiocre, mais heureusement la nuit est très calme et nous repartons demain matin en direction de la Floride avec Nantelise. Les grandes aigrettes et les pélicans blancs nous tiennent compagnie.

We decided not to stop in Ferdinanda Beach to anchor in Amelia River. Not a very good anchorage, just large enough for 3 boats and for a windless night. Great egrets and white pelicans proved to be quiet neighbors for the night. We discovered the next morning that there were several good anchorages a few miles further down the ICW.