J’ai quitte Rodney Bay, Ste-Lucia au leve du soleil avec l’intention de me positionner a l’extremite Ouest de l’ile pour le lendemain mais comme j’y etais a 9 :00am et que les conditions de navigation etaient ideales j’ai decide de continuer et je suis arrive a Kingstown a l’extremitee Ouest de St-Vincent a 17 :00 . A l’approche du port de Kingstown, je me rend compte qu’il n’y a aucun autre bateau et que ca roule beaucoup dans le port. Il y a quelque chose qui a du m’echapper quand j’ai verifie le guide. Je cours chercher mon guide et decouvre que je devrais continuer jusqu'à New Island a environ 6 mi plus au Sud. Il commence a faire noir et ca me prendra une autre heure. Je decide de continuer.
I leftRodney Bay, Ste-Lucia at surise intending to position myself at the West end of the island for the following day but since I was already there at 9:00am and the sailing conditions were ideal, I decided to continue on and arrived at Kingstown which is at the West end of St-Vincent at 17:00. As I approach Kingstown’s harbour I notice that there is no other boats anchor there and there is a big swell. I must have missed something in the guide. I run down the boat to get the guide book and find out that I should continue about 6 mi further South to New Island. It is getting dark and it will take me another houre. I decide to move on.
A l’approche de New Island je vois qu’il y a beaucoup de bateaux. C’est donc la bonne place mais il fait presque noir et l’espace d’ancrage est limite. Je commence a etre un peu nerveux quand un bateau vient a m’a rencontre et m’offre de me guider jusqu'à un mooring. Vive les boatboys…
Approaching New Island I can see that there is many boats. It has to be the right place but it is almost dark and the anchorage is packed. I was getting a little bit nervous when a boat came to meet me and offer me to follow him to a mooring. Hourrah for the boatboys…
Le jour suivant je prend un taxi et me rend a Kingstown pour passer les Douanes et Immigrations. Qu’elle aventure. Meme mon guide s’y perd. Je reviens au bateau 3 heures plus tard extenue. Toutefois, la place est tellement belle que je decide d’y rester une autre journee.
The following day I take a taxi to go to Kingstown to clear Customs and Immigration. What and adventure. Even my guide got confused and lost in the process. I returned to the boat 3 hours later very tired. However, the place is so nice that I decided to stay for another day.
J’ai lever l’ancre a 4:30 le lendemain matin et je suis parti en direction de Union Island. Avec des vents au portant de 18-20 nœuds la traversee a ete tres rapide et plaisante et je suis arrive a Union Island a 11 :00 du matin. Le bureau de douane etant a l’aeroport qui est juste a cote la procedure a aussi ete rapide et plaisante. Il y a des journees comme ca.
I pulled the anchor at 4 :30 in the morning and left towards Union Island. The winds were broadreach at 18-20 knots so I had a fast and plaisant crossing and arrived at Union Island at 11:00 in the morning. The Customs and Immigration office being at the airport which was at walking distance the procedure was also quick and plaisant. There is good days like that.
De Union Island je me suis rendu a Carriacou ou je suis demeure 3 jours car j’avais besoin d’epicerie, je devais reparer le guindeau qui ne fonctionnait plus et surtout gratter le dessous du bateau qui etait tres sale et reduisait beaucoup ma vitesse de croisiere. J’ai quitte Carriacou a 5 :00 Jeudi matin et je suis arrive a Prickly Bay, Grenada a 11 :00 am . Ma vitesse moyenne pour la traversee a etee de 6 nœuds.
From Union Island I went to Carriacou where I stayed for 3 days, the time I needed to go buy some food, repair the windlass which had stopped to work and scrub the bottom of the boat which was really dirty and considerably reduced the boat’s speed. I left Carriacou at 5:00 Thursday morning and had a glorious sail all the way to Prickly Bay, Grenada at 11:00am