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Life is short and there is not much you can do about it but you can make it as wide as you want.

mardi 22 septembre 2009

Jan. 14, 2007

Nous sommes toujours a Staniel Cay car les vents sont trop forts pour voyager en direction de Georgetown.
Marielle a pris l'avion pour Nassau ce matin et arrivera a Halifax ce soir. Je prevois partir seul pour Black point cette apres-midi. J'y passerai 2 jours et me rendrai ensuite a Little Farmer pour me positionner pour traverser sur l'ocean et me rendre a Georgetown. Les vents devraient etre favorables a ce moment la.
Il y a 40 bateaux dans l'ancrage dont plusieurs amis du Quebec. La vie sociale va bon train. Nous avons meme decide de ne pas aller au Pig Roast sur la plage hier car on avait deja trop mange la veille et Marielle voulait se preparer.

We are still in Staniel Cay because the winds are still too strong to travel to Georgetown.
Marielle took a flight for Nassau this morning and will arrive in Halifax tonight. I am planning to leave alone for Black Point this afternoon. I will stay there for 2 days and then leave for Little farmer's Cay where I will way the weather window to cross to the ocean to get to Georgetown. The wind forecast looks favorable 3, 4 days from now.
There is 40 boats in Big Major anchorage right now. Many from Quebec whom we now know very well. Social life is great. We didn't go to the beach Pig Roast last night because we felt we had too much food at the restaurant (lunch and dinner) the day before and Marielle needed some time to prepare for her trip.